Every year, Iowa State has two teams that compete at the ASABE 1/4 Scale Tractor National Competition: the A-Team and X-Team. ISU's A-Team usually consists of students that have previously been involved with the competition and are usually in their junior or senior year of college at Iowa State. The A-Team designs and builds a1/4 scale pulling tractor from scratch every year. Each year we pride ourselves on pushing the previous year's limits in more innovative and advanced ways. ISU's X-Team is then generally comprised of the younger freshmen and sophomore members. The X-Team redesigns the past year's tractor to improve on its performance from the previous year's ASABE competition.
While these two teams have different focuses, members of all abilities work in cooperation with each other on both teams. Our Teams are also honored to be led by our talented Team Leaders that divide up the necessary design and technical work among other members.
If you are interested and have questions or want to become a member of the Cyclone Power Pullers, email the team officers at [email protected].
For a complete team roster, please click on the link below:
2021-2022 Roster
2016-2017 Roster
2015-2016 Roster
2014-2015 Roster
2013-2014 Roster
2012-2013 Roster